Montreal, Quebec, Canada | June 26 - 28, 2020
Registration NOW OPEN!
- Teams can be boys only, girls only, or co-ed.
- Three categories: 14U (born 2006), 12U (born 2008) & 10U (born 2010). Minimum age is 6 years and maximum age is 14.
- Minimum 6 and maximum 9 games will be played over the 3-day period.
- Haba Waba will host opening and closing ceremonies.
- Minimum 7 players to create team
- Team registration (same price for all teams) = $2500 + tax
- Per Team registration cost is inclusive of team fee, coaches and players this year.

- Transportation (shuttle bus) to and from the airport (YUL).
- 2 meals per day
- City/metro transportation.
- Entertainment on pool deck.
- Parties and festivities.
- Presents, goodie bags, medals, trophies…

Special offer for all Canadian Haba WaBa 2020 teams and participants
All Canadian teams participating in HaBa WaBa 2020 in Montreal will receive a 10% discount on Turbo swimwear and products, offer valid July to December, 2020!
The Turbo Catalog has been updated for your Canadian team! We have prices no other swimwear company has. Check it out at
Place your order at [email protected] today!
Malmsten Goals Sale at 40% Off
All participating Clubs will receive the opportunity for a discounted price of Malmsten inflatable goals and fields ($350 small goal each, $450 mid size goal each).
Contact us for more details at [email protected]


Haba Waba North America is proud to announce its partnership with KnowledgeFlow CybersafetyFoundation. Last year, Haba Waba North America and KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation used this opportunity to help educate and protect our youth and their parents in the online environment at the 2017 Haba Waba North America Water Polo Festival. READ MORE >>